Guest Post || The Bahá’í Gardens in Haifa by Iman Zahirfar

Imagine the way a waterfall flows: as the water hits each level of earth, it cascades down, never stopping or ceasing, and in perfect harmony with its surroundings.  Now superimpose this image with a series of perfectly manicured gardens flowing down the side of a mountain, each slope containing a beautiful and unique layout. What you’re imagining now are the Bahá’í terraces found on the slopes of Mount Carmel.

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Nineteen terraces, combining both the mountain’s landscape and nature with detail and precision in order to create an exquisite work of art. The gardeners are the painters and with each stroke of their brushes, they create forms pleasing to the eye.

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It’s not surprising, that with all of the loving labour that the gardeners (volunteers coming from all corners of the earth) put into these gardens, that the gardens are always in such pristine condition no matter what time of the day you visit them.

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Much thought has been put into every aspect of the gardens. The flowers and the plants have been chosen in such a way that no matter what time of the year you find yourself walking in the gardens, there will always be something in full bloom. And how remarkable it is that when you walk throughout the terraces that these very flowers create the sweetest of smells wafting within the air.

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As you walk around, you’ll hear the pebbles under your feet, reminding you to walk thoughtfully and respectfully. And throughout the terraces, you will see and hear the fountains, which paired with the breeze coming up from the sea will make you feel as if you’ve entered an otherworldly plane.

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Within the center of the terraces stands a Shrine robed in white and crowned in gold. A Queen of Carmel, looking over the city of Haifa and pulsating at its heart. This beautiful structure is the Shrine of the Báb, and is both the resting place of the Prophet Herald of the Bahá’í Faith and that of the son of the Prophet of the Bahá’í Faith.

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Pray, meditate, or contemplate life – the quietness seeping through and around the Shrine will help you come up with an answer to the challenges you face or will give you a moment in the day to get wrapped up in peaceful thought.

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Additional Information

80 Hatzionut Avenue, near Shiffra Street

Visiting Hours
9:00am – 5:00pm daily
Note: The inner gardens near the shrine close after 12:00pm.
The gardens are closed on Bahá’í holy days and Yom Kippur. May be temporarily closed during rainy weather.

Admittance Fee
It is free. A free walk-in tour is also offered daily (except for Wednesdays).

Clothing that covers shoulders and reaches the knees.

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For more information, please visit the official website for the gardens.



Author Bio: 

2016-05-20 03.25.41 1 - Copy.jpgIman Zahirfar is a blogger who enjoys exploring the hidden corners of the world. In her spare time, she’s an avid book reader, and when no one’s watching she’ll eat as much ice cream as humanly possible.

Disclaimer:  *Contents of this story is Authors personal views and presentation.

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